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Safety Record

The safety and health policy of Challenger Drilling, Inc. is to perform the highest quality service as efficiently as possible while maintaining the safety and health of employees and our customers to the highest possible standard.

NCCER | Recognized as the construction industry standard for training, assessment, certification and career development.

Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) Program


Safe. Efficient. HDD Solutions.


Our three year Worker’s Compensation Experience Modification Rate (EMR):

  • 2022   0.74

  • 2021   0.73

  • 2020   0.74


Committed to a Safe Working Environment

Challenger Drilling, Inc. is committed to providing its employees with a safe working environment by adhering to rigorous safety policies in order to reduce hazards. Through extensive company-wide communication of safety procedures, and their utilization in our day to day operations, we undertake all reasonable measures to improve safety efforts. All Challenger Drilling, Inc. employees participate in our pre-employment and random drug and alcohol testing program as per 49 CFR Part 199 and 49 CFR Part 40. Personnel are trained to properly respond in the event of an incident whether on a pipeline, at a terminal, upon a roadway, etc.


Training and Safety Procedures

Employees conduct and record Daily Safety Meetings as well as Equipment and Job Site Assessments. In these meetings, OSHA safety laws and regulations as well as API/COOQ Approved Liquid/Gas Covered Tasks with reference to NCCER Pipeline training and assessment tools are reviewed. At Challenger Drilling, Inc. we are also fully committed to continuous reduction of impact to the environment, including air, water and land. We work hand in hand with our owner clients to preserve our natural environment and resources for years to come.


Challenger Drilling Inc. subscribes to ISNetworld. “ISN is the global resource for connecting corporations with safe, reliable contractors and suppliers from capital-intensive and public sector industries.” CDI meets all client Safety, Insurance and OQ requirements through ISN as requested by our Operator customers. CDI has an overall A rating in ISN and we work closely with our ISN contacts to keep our data up to date and accurate on a daily basis. CDI has been an active member of the ISN network for more than 7 years.


Challenger Drilling is an accredited Training Sponsor for NCCER (National Center for Construction Education and Research) “NCCER is a not-for-profit education foundation created to develop standardized construction and maintenance curricula and assessments with portable, industry-recognized credentials. These credentials include transcripts, certificates and wallet cards that are tracked through NCCER’s National Registry. NCCER develops training in over 60 craft areas, offers over 70 assessment exams and has over 4,000 training locations.” CDI has NCCER Certified Master Trainers and Craft Instructors on staff to train and test our employees as they progress in their skill sets as professional Pipeline Construction crafts-people. We provide the required NCCER certification information to the National Registry and ultimately to ISNetworld through this system. We have invested ourselves in this program and we have benefitted from the results of our effort. We are very proud to be a part of the NCCER organization.


AMPP, formerly known as NACE International, is the global leader in developing corrosion prevention and control standards. Challenger Drilling, Inc. maintains employees with AMPP credentials and is a corporate member of AMPP which serves nearly 30,000 members in 116 countries and is recognized globally as the premier authority for corrosion control solutions. The organization offers technical training and certification programs, conferences, industry standards, reports, publications, technical journals, government relations activities all of which Challenger Drilling, Inc. participates in.


Challenger Drilling Inc. is pleased to be partnered with Veriforce. “Veriforce is the nation’s leader in regulatory compliance and qualification verification for OQ, D&A, and safety monitoring.” We have our own certified Evaluators at CDI enabling us to ensure that our workforce has the most current training and certifications that our client operators require. We also utilize the Veriforce HTS program which provides us with state of the art online OSHA approved Safety Training as well as a central storage facility for all of our Safety and Training documents and certifications. This provides our employees easy access to online training from any location making it possible to study the most current information available at any time. We have found our relationship with Veriforce to be very beneficial in our ability to meet client requirements.


All Challenger Drilling, Inc. Supervisors, Foreman and Crew members are TWIC certified. Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC®) is vital security measure that will ensure individuals who pose a threat do not gain unescorted access to secure areas of the nation’s maritime transportation system.


At Challenger Drilling Inc. we take the safety and well-being of our employees seriously. “EMS Safety Services has been providing quality CPR, AED and First Aid Certification Programs for over 20 years.” CDI has an EMS Certified Instructor on staff full time to Train and certify every CDI field employee in First Aid, CPR, AED and BBP techniques. Our employees are retrained every two years to maintain their certification status and to be prepared to save lives when necessary. Our goal is that every employee goes home safe and unharmed.

ISNetworld | Connecting over 750 Hiring Clients and more than 75,000 active contractors and suppliers around the world.
NCCER | Recognized as the construction industry standard for training, assessment, certification and career development.
AMPP | Largest global community for corrosion and coatings expertise.
Veriforce | Supply chain risk management solution that gets workers home safe.
TWIC® | Required by the Maritime Transportation Security Act for workers accessing secure Maritime facilities or vessels.
EMS Safety | Nationally recognized training for CPR, AED, First Aid, and advanced programs such as Basic Life Support (BLS).
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